Around 1980, the architects’ group BosRosdorffWiebing designed the accommodation for the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in Zoetermeer. From 2003, they prepared the building for housing of the AIVD and CFI, the implementing organisation Central Funding of Institutions Agency. Since 2002, Dehullu has a framework agreement with OCW and has provided the new signage system.
The designs for the signs were realised in partnership with the interior architect Casper Zwarts and Jaap Elzas designers. The house style and furnishing and fittings constituted the starting points. The idea was to attach room signs to the door flaps. Dehullu advised to keep things simple and to use stickers instead of signs. The steel lift columns are now used as memo boards. Special items have been developed for CFI, includingfacilities in the toilets to keep a bag or a file. A document holder in the house style was developed for this purpose. Breakdown signs for the coffee machines and copiers were also developed. They have a slide function. The number to be called in the event of a breakdown is shown on the sign, and if the breakdown has already been reported, the sign will also tell you. The signs also tell you where you can find the nearest coffee machine or copier.
Client and users are positive about the new signage system. The staff has no problems finding the rooms. Visitors no longer wander about the building but are met at the reception; the signage just makes things easier. Dehullu is currently engaged in talks about the outdoor signage for the CFI.