FOZ is a boutique museum situated in the center of Jerusalem dedicated to the story of the establishment of the state of Israel. The museum is designed as a storyboard- a series of spaces, each telling the story of a different period in time, designed in a different atmosphere and conveying a unique message.

The umbrella narrative and movement flow of the museum is circular. Starting from the lobby that portrays the modern state of Israel, the visitors are led to spaces dedicated to the theoretical foundations of the state and from there to spaces telling the tales and deeds of people in different times and places who fought to bring the state about. The museum ends in the same space as it started – a portrayal of modern day Israel.

The design work is highly customized and detailed and digital fabrication tools were used to create forms in wood, concrete and marble – a manufacturing process from computer to factory to assembly.

The final outcome is a highly crafted museum made of unique spaces dedicated to telling the story of individuals who acted in different epochs and places, coming together to form a unified story, a story bigger and grander than the sum of it’s parts.

Architects: Ollech + Tol, Sagi Rechter, Eldad Lev
Content, Creative and Project Management: DiskIn Pro
Photographer: Assaf Pinchuk