Anna Maria Sokolowska Interior Design
Anna Maria Sokolowska Interior Design
Anna Maria Sokolowska Interior Design

Anna Maria Sokolowska Interior Design

Anna Maria Sokołowska Interior Architecture, is a studio that has been operating continuously since 2006. For 10 years, the studio operated under the name Pracownia Projektowa Dragon Art to change its name to the current one in 2016. As a design team, we focus mainly on working with individual clients; we also operate in the sector of arranging office spaces, as well as arranging communal spaces for property development projects. In our work, we focus on an extensive analysis of the client's needs at the initial stage of the project work, timeless solutions and a style tailored to our top design trend with respect for the client's needs.

Nossos projetos
Anna Maria Sokolowska Interior Design Escritórios
Anna Maria Sokolowska Interior Design
Gdynia, Poland