Founded in 2013 in Los Angeles/Shanghai, Studio ATAH is an architectural design firm featured by exploring design with contemporary thoughts. The partners of Studio ATAH received complete architecture professional education domestic and abroad, and have been in practice for years in known international architectural firms. Team includes architects, interior designers and technology specialist. ATAH's project type includes commercial, office, culture, as well as renovation, interior and residential. Through continuous design practice, our work is being built and put into use. In Navajo Indian language, A-Tah means involving. We focus on the pattern that mass production, technology renovation and global trend are reflecting to design, and also on the interaction between architectural design and other fields; We believe that contextual research is as a tool that can inspire to design solutions, and also believe that by discovering 'problems', design can be more involved with everyday's life; We are interested in express design ideas from the essence, thus to express our attitudes via design.
Nossos projetos
ATAH Escritórios
103B, #3, xiangyang S. Rdf xuhui district, Shanghai, China