Gregory Phillips Architects
Gregory Phillips Architects
Gregory Phillips Architects

Gregory Phillips Architects

Gregory Phillips Architects is a team of highly creative and dedicated architects and interior designers. Established in 1991, we provide a unique holistic and professional approach to residential design, which has produced many award-winning projects. We consider your lifestyle, the architecture, the interior design, energy conservation and the landscape/garden design. That is one of the many differences when you work with us. We aim to make the process of having your house designed and constructed enjoyable. The thought of walking into your house that has all the spaces that you want, looks the way you want it to, feels even better than the way you expected it to, has the high level of finishes and craftsmanship that you desire, gives you pleasure and supports your lifestyle is the dream that we look forward to having had completed for you. We hope you enjoy viewing this selection of our projects and look forward to creating your dream house.
Nossos projetos
Gregory Phillips Architects Escritórios
Gregory Phillips Architects London
020 7724 3040
46 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4LR, UK