The intervention coincides with the building development of Lot 6 of the Implementation Section C2.1 - North Frullo in the Municipality of Castenaso, located west of the center of the capital, in the margins of the built but in a quality situation, in particular for the main urban services, accessible and accessible on foot and by bicycle with ease, as in the spirit and basic needs of this sustainable model of CO-HOUSING.
The available surfaces are distributed over two volumes, two bodies and two autonomous stairwells, called A and B, joined by a portico to form a single building body, respectively of four and five useful floors, with covered floors, which house the photovoltaic panels and the condensing machines of the individual heating systems.
Building A on the top level also has a semi-protected roof and paved garden, which can be reached directly from the stairwell, for common / condominium use. It is not planned underground. There are no closed garages but parking spaces on the ground floor "level", completely accessible and undivided. There are no private cellars, but large spaces for common and joint activities both on the ground floor and on the upper floors, in particular the CONDOMINIUM ROOMS will be able to accommodate from time to time: a common toolroom, a common laundry room, a protected space, a plurisala, a space equipped for IT activities, etc ...
The compact bodies and the absence of basement minimize the waterproofed surfaces.
The condominium staircase A distributes 14 apartments, staircase B distributes 15, of different sizes and types of distribution. On the ground floor the three apartments enjoy large gardens. The external works on the ground floor are completed by ramps and steps that access the small square built between the two buildings in a slightly raised and protected position, furnished and tree-lined (the fulcrum of the common spaces on the ground), and a large equipped common green area.
Given the particular use, it was crucial to identify large common areas and at the same time some types of optimized apartments to be composed in the building volume, these two elements are assembled and composed on the various floors, distributed by two large stairwells, also suitable for meeting and at the stop. The two buildings are then joined by a porch on the ground floor. All
this becomes legible in the volumetric form and in the elevation elements. The few but different facade materials underline and express the volumetric choices, in the name of a refined yet low-profile contemporaneity, intended as a pervading architectural substrate but
at the service of other priorities: functional and distributive - quality of living - relationship spaces for cohabitation - typological optimization - optimization of orientations - freedom and privacy - ...
The building will be made of wood with a Japanese technology structure based on a specific "suteki" patent. Particular attention was paid to design without architectural barriers and accessibility in the broad sense. Natural ventilation is always guaranteed.
philosophy of the co_housing proposal:
CO_HOUSING and SOCIAL HOUSING are nothing more than expressions of a HOUSE PROJECT as a civil and social theme, that is cultural, updated and adapted to current needs. In this sense, it is evident that SOCIAL HOUSING becomes "welfare policy".
The project will therefore be targeted to the profiles identified, but also as flexible as possible in time and space to intercept social dynamics, and the design will be "assisted" because the designer will have to "listen" to many and many; without thereby renouncing its specific delegation and responsibility towards the project, which remains a strong and personal intellectual act, a practice of thought rather than technical action, because things are not planned but LIFE SPACES.
The aim is to create VITAL SPACES where to live, and not only survive, including "accompanying" during the life of the Condominium in solidarity by NOVA HABITAT with the structuring of co-housing activities.
This house, therefore, must have a character, must be beautiful and recognizable, not anonymous, not secondary or aesthetic characteristics, but structural to the sense of social housing and the livability of the spaces. It must also be lived with pride and a sense of belonging, another particularly necessary and functional characteristic of co-living.
Another objective is to carry out an intervention that funds and supports the sense of COMMUNITY.
In order for the project to communicate the sense of unity of neighborhood and common participation, to foster relationships, the traditional stairwell has been interpreted as an "enlarged" space of communication and relationship and non-trivial aggregation spaces have been designed, be they on the floor land, on the intermediate floors, or on the top floor (common roof garden).
As someone well said: "for a SOCIOUS as well as social housing".
technical characteristics of the building the slogans ECO_LIVING - CO_LIVING - FLEX_LIVING exemplify objectives and basic choices:
- class A4 building, or rather in an energy-independent trend, built with new technologies (type X-LAM), and SMART
- elimination of all architectural barriers
- large spaces for socializing and common use for working, dining, repairing, washing, ... (warehouse - laundry - occasional meeting room - co-working room - tools - DIY room - meeting place for the elderly and young - small nest - in shared kitchen - ...)
- solutions with very low maintenance costs over time
- flexibility
GBa Studio_Gianluca Brini Architetto como ArquitetosProducts Behind Projects
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