Community Center Blaibach

Community Center Blaibach

Peter Haimerl como Arquitetos

The Mansion in Blaibach is at first glance a modern building with concrete facade, but it is mainly a construction which emphasizes quality in architecture and the use of ecological, or traditional materials.

The sustainable construction is a building which is already built The "Blue House" in the church square opposite the castle and church was a house, an old, abandoned farmhouse. The basement is built of granite stones, the walls of adobe, wood roof construction. The demolition alone would mean not only high costs but also considerable resources and energy consumption. In addition, the inventory has been made of ecological, environmentally friendly materials like adobe with excellent storage properties.

Recycling with modern building materials and local artefacts The insulating sheath of the stock as well as the outer walls of cultivation consist of foam glass gravel concrete. This concrete is ideally suited due to its good physical properties, its pleasant lively surface that resembles natural stone or wood. Above all, it is but one of the few genuine recycled building materials, which is produced with the aid of hydroelectricity from recycled glass bottles. The floor in the Flez, at the entrance, consists of found or previously built locally granite slabs, like the former windowsills. More than half of the plates was donated by the family Bablic from Blaibach. The variety of the plates gives the floor a lively, lack the monotone granite slabs.

Rethinking tried and tested Also in the interior design emphasis was placed on biological design. The floors and interior doors are made entirely of massive, three centimeter thick fir planks in widths from 20 to 30cm. Here the tradition of the office floors of pine is taken up again. Also all the furniture is made of solid three-layer pine boards. Of particular note is the origin of the wood.

All from the Lamer Winkel originate in the Bavarian Forest. The windows and the entrance door element made of weather resistant larch wood, the scent process has a beautiful Farbwandelung from red to silver gray.

Most plasters are lime plaster painted with white lime paint, as they were common until recently, in the Bavarian Forest.

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FabricantesRaico Bautechnik
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