MESS Studio como Arquitetos de interiores

ESTATION R is a responsible market with bulk products in Guadalajara, designed by Mess Studio. This project was born out of the need to raise awareness about single-use plastic, non-biodegradable waste and the quality of the food we consume, through recyclable packaging and natural products. With the aim of providing well-being and influencing the environmental impact.


For the interior design proposal, we sought to convey this same objective of creating an ecological and sustainable space, using honest materials, whose waste is biodegradable for the environment, including: solid oak wood for all the furniture, quarry for surfaces, palm of tule for storage containers and cotton textiles for signage. Monochromatic tones were chosen that will provide warmth and a sense of nature.


As for the distribution of space, it was designed with the intention of simulating the same concept of the "recycling cycle" through the use of space with a circulation that marks the route of the establishment from start to end, guiding the consumer on their journey. All this to enhance the user experience, ergonomically designed for user ease when interacting, consuming and go around the store.


For this project we are faced with two main challenges. The first was to find a way to distribute and store more than 250 edible and non-edible products in a room of 40 m2 and to ensure that the user perceived a spacious and clean space. The second was to achieve a hygienic bulk concept, where the user could be sure that the products they consume are stored in hermetic containers, specially designed to keep the products in the best possible condition and at the same time provide the user with a dynamic experience time to serve and shop inside the establishment. We use different dynamic elements such as gravity containers and "push to open" tools to make the user interact with the furniture.


Design Team:
Daniela Viveros
Gustavo Gorjón
Nancy Nieto


Casa Blanca Fotografía



Galpa CNC Carpenters
GROSE Ingenieros

Material Used:

1. Solid Oak Wood Furniture                                
2. Quarry Furniture                                               
3. Containers made out of Palma de Tule            
Créditos do Projeto
Arquitetos de interiores
Folha de especificações do produto

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