LED architecturestudio como Arquitetos

REGENERATION: In biology is the ability of an organism to reproduce body parts lost or severely damaged.

The city is an organism! Urban regeneration is a process by which we intervene surgically in the city, to make them look new and competitivo.La regeneration of the city is an intervention that aims not only to physical rehabilitation, in order to revive the image of urban aesthetic level, but is accompanied by measures of cultural, social, economic and environmental, aimed at the significant increase of quality of life, in respect of environmental sustainability and social participation. Events can become the means to implement this change.

In this case the intervention is directed to a redevelopment of an area of ​​the city for its central location ensures a high daily influx of people but at the same time is particularly degraded. The intervention, in your case, tends to replace the green where stands the gray concrete instead, through the insertion of a roof garden that is integrated with the existing building of the Auditorium Giusti.

The presence of vegetation is not relegated to only a decorative function. It is able to bring numerous benefits including the recovery of vital spaces and gathering places within the city, a decrease heat island and the surrounding microclimate control, stormwater runoff, the ability to cool in summer and insulate in winter, an improvement of air quality as filter dust, picking up fine particles in the atmosphere and last but not least, represent a new living environment for all plants and animals' interior of our city.The 'integration of alternative energy also is able to ensure the necessary energy for the operation night lighting LED

The proposed urban renewal is to be a critical proactive towards neglect of parts of the city covering an important role in the life of the cities themselves.

Project Spotlight
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