This project, developed by Discourse Architecture, in consultation with the Forest Hill Society, offers a vision for the area around Forest Hill Station, London.
Discourse Architecture was founded by Bruno Tonelli from Studioartec and Simon McCormack from Thomas Ford & Partners as a collaborative platform for people from different disciplines with an interest in the theory and practice of architecture
At Forest Hill we have a once in 100 years’ opportunity to shape the centre of the community, reflecting the needs and aspirations of people that live and work in the area.

Forest Hill is shaped by its development around the Victorian railway line. Restricted crossing points have intensified traffic on the South Circular Road and other roads in the area. The later Victorian infrastructure that we have inherited has become a strait jacket that we need to challenge. After the Victorian stations, the current one was built following wartime bomb damage: a cheap single-storey building with no presence. That was nearly 70 years ago. Arrival in Forest Hill by rail would once again be a celebration of civic society. The under-used sites around the station will soon be developed.

It is up to us to ensure that the Forest Hill that emerges in the coming decades is one for which we al feel some pride and affection.
The project proposes around 400 new housing units, shops, public spaces, public facilities and a new station building for Forest Hill.