Future Copenhagen Metro Stations

Future’s Architectural Expression in Copenhagen Metro Stations by JAJA Architects

JAJA Architects como Arquitetos

Invited by Metroselskabet, Denmark to investigate how a resource-efficient and more climate-friendly metro station can look and be experienced, JAJA’s proposal shows that you can’t achieve a resource-efficient and “climate-friendly” metro station with a superficial material adaptation. Instead, it requires a comprehensive and holistic approach to sustainable design and construction leading passengers from A to B in a material-optimized metro concept.


Presented via the three core elements: Materials, Mobility Hub, and Climate Campaign their concept not only focuses on reducing CO2 emissions but also seeks to create an eventful journey for the many daily passengers.

Materials – Less is more

The current metro stations are characterized by a simple palette of materials and details, which we have retained in our proposal. 

Using the 3Rs principle of reducing, reusing and recycling, the proposal is built upon the “less is more” approach: no unnecessary layers. Instead of placing a thin ‘green’ layer on concrete, JAJA proposes a consistent material optimization highlighting the supporting structure in wood, using, and reusing, biomaterials. 

A visible structure in wood, supporting the station's roof in combination with the concrete structures, is a sustainable choice giving a radically more climate-friendly architectural concept. It is visionary but also based on realistic terms and principles.


Mobility Hub

JAJA Architects proposes integrating the metro into the overall mobility strategy, creating a smooth transition to other green transportation forms guiding passengers all the way to their destination.

Copenhagen’s transport hubs, including the metro stations, are perfectly suited for generating active city life. As a modern version of the historic Copenhagen telephone kiosks, they propose M-pavilions contributing to active life and solving the first/last mile problem. The pavilions and side rooms in the metro stations’ shafts can facilitate services and public functions such as safe cycle parking, a parcel centre, shared bikes/scooters, coffee shops, and more.    


Climate Campaign

More than 20.000 people a day use the Copenhagen Metro and therefore its climate-change potential goes far beyond CO2 savings achieved through material optimization. With campaigns and visual communication, the metro can contribute to public information and climate action among passengers. JAJA suggests climate campaign initiatives such as cinematic projections, billboards on the escalators, and an app – all contributing to communicating sustainability in various aspects.

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