Gap house

Gap house

Store MUU design studio como Arquitetos

The house is located in the residential area of facing the Sagami Bay in Kanagawa Prefecture,Japan. This town has a mild climate and open atmosphere with sea breeze for long time. On the other hand, the site has different atmosphere of the whole town by surrounded new housing group. We planned the house which is continuous form the town to outer space/interior space due consideration to the following conditions. 1) The house has private environment in a built-up area with natural environment and open-mind city. 2) The four of his family is tie strong and feeling a sign of his family.

The site space resemble as one of the living space. The gap make continuous internal and external space by utilize effectively the entire site. These shifted space become the entrance approach ,garden ,terrace ,parking and living space in continuously.

We feel external space also available as part of the living space due to moderate level difference by between south garden/terrace 1/terrace 2/dinning. As for even inside the house, similar to outside by the split-level with a moderate level difference, it will be the space to feel the sign of life. It was consideration to ensure the thermal environment and the private space by north and west side facing the road is covered with almost wall. We feel pleasant breeze due to windows takes up north-south side and the warm air discharged to upper space by skip floor and stairs without riser.

Créditos do Projeto
Produtos utilizados neste projeto
Folha de especificações do produto

ElementoMarcaNome do Produto
FurnitureUSM Modular Furniture
FabricantesNisshin Steel
Folha de especificações do produto
por BO&CO
por Galvalume
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