Leça da Palmeira House
José Campos

Leça da Palmeira House

Raulino Silva Arquitecto como Arquitetos

The Leça da Palmeira House, in Matosinhos, north of Portugal, is located in a consolidated urban area, and in the surrounding area we have various types of buildings, services, single-family housing and collective housing.

photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos

On the site we found a two-story house with a roof, with the lower floor lower than the street level. The existing building was in poor condition and had a very dilapidated interior.

photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos

The intervention maintains the volume of the existing construction and expands the construction to the North area in order to fill the gable of the neighboring West, which had already increased its construction. The annex occupies the North limit and allows car parking.

photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos
photo_credit José Campos
José Campos

The social spaces of the house are located on the lower floor, where we have the laundry room, the kitchen, the engine room and the living room open to the small garden. On the top floor we have the office and three suites, one of which has a dressing room.

photo_credit Raulino Silva
Raulino Silva
photo_credit Raulino Silva
Raulino Silva
photo_credit Raulino Silva
Raulino Silva
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