Pickering GO Pedestrian Bridge
Michael Muraz

Pickering GO Pedestrian Bridge

Michael Muraz Photography como Fotógrafos

Located in Pickering just east of Toronto, this major pedestrian bridge over Highway 401 and CN rail lines connects the GO train transit station on the south side to parking and commercial development to the north. Constructed of a simple exposed truss and clad in perforated metal panels, the undulating sculptural form provides dramatic framed views east and west along the highway.  Programmable LED lighting creates vibrant changing light patterns at night.


When Teeple Architects commissioned me, we immediately discussed aerial photography as a way to showcase the sheer length of the pedestrian bridge, as well as the context, from local buildings to the nearby Ontario lake, all the way to the Toronto skyline.


With the LED lighting being such an important feature, a mix of day and night images was another key component of the photoshoot. It also helped capture the interaction between the light and the exterior undulated panels.


The relationship between the train tracks, the highway and the bridge is captured through ground images, as well as the view from the bridge. Finally, a few details shots help narrow down on the materials and the sculptural qualities of the design.

Créditos do Projeto
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FabricantesTPL Lighting
Folha de especificações do produto
Kalzip 65-50 por Kalzip
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