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Poonakchi is an interdisciplinary urban initiative that emerged as the winner of an environmental design competition organized by Tehran's municipality. Its primary objective is to interconnect a historically significant site with religious architectural elements on the western side of Farahzad Valley with the valley's natural eastern context. The project spans two neighboring districts, centering its efforts on the Poonak neighborhood in Tehran. In response to Poonak's rapid urban expansion, Shahryaad's key goal was to preserve the village's heritage by actively engaging the local community.


The project team published a magazine addressing critical issues and inviting residents to participate in the design process. Valuable data were collected through faceto-face interviews and social media engagement, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of local perspectives. Shahryaad’s objectives encompass environmental, legal, urban, and architectural aspects to enrich community life. The culmination of this participatory approach was a comprehensive master plan that successfully preserved Poonak's rural heritage, both physically and intellectually, transforming the neighborhood into a captivating urban tourism destination. Drawing inspiration from traditional Iranian Meidans and tiered gardens, the architectural intervention artfully interconnects diverse public spaces while rejuvenating the valley's natural river landscape. Shahryaad's success exemplifies the transformative power of community-driven design in creating a contemporary urban oasis deeply rooted in local history and cultural heritage.

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Product Spotlight
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