SIDERA (headquarter CIA CONAD)
Marcin Dworzyński

SIDERA (headquarter CIA CONAD)

tissellistudioarchitetti como Arquitetos

The Sidera building extends horizontally for a length of 100 metres and has a height of 33 metres, starting from a soil plinth that is approximately 3 metres high. The external surface features only three materials: aluminium, black pigmented concrete and glass.


The natural aluminium plays the leading role as it elegantly reflects the natural light, taking on different nuances of tone and colour at different times of the day and weather conditions. 


This, combined with the rapid rhythm created by the placement of the sunshade fins, creates a pleasant optical illusion as one moves around the Sidera building, whereby the building appears as either an opaque or transparent block, depending on the position from which it is viewed. 


The vernacular motif of the pitched roof was selected for this purpose, which, in itself, is unprecedented in such an industrial context. Six sloping pitches are scattered across the space exploiting the three large skylights as connection points, in the quest to create a dialogue with the skyline of the nearby Apennines. 


The study and design of the interior space was approached as an essential component for the development of the building as a whole.


No colour has been added beyond the natural pigmentation of the materials. Wood, aluminium and concrete proudly express their natural state. The sobriety of the building in this sense reflects the seriousness and pragmatism of the company.


Between shard-like shapes and diagonal slashes, the large internal staircases act as a element of disruption for the entire layout, starting from the fact that is it the only space from which the full internal height of the Sidera building can be enjoyed in all its glory.


The Sidera building is a living, creative organism that denies the rigid logic of orthogonality and avoids all static constraints or obligations.

photo_credit tissellistudioarchitetti
photo_credit tissellistudioarchitetti
photo_credit tissellistudioarchitetti
photo_credit tissellistudioarchitetti


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