Woonpaviljoen Voorzorg
Woonwerk Architecten

Woonpaviljoen Voorzorg

Woonwerk Architecten como Arquitetos

Commissioned by Volker Wessels Vastgoed, 59 life-resistant senior homes and facilities of various types have been realized in Westergouwe, in Gouda. The so-called Farm Lot is part of the image quality plan WesterGouwe – II of Kuyper Compagnons. The plot is situated in the northwest corner and is directly connected to the ring dike and the Provincialeweg, on the other sides it is surrounded by a waterway. Two buildings are being realized on the farm plot: a care building and a residential building. Both buildings, designed on all sides, are emphatically oriented towards the central green space where the main entrances are located.

photo_credit Woonwerk Architecten
Woonwerk Architecten
photo_credit Woonwerk Architecten
Woonwerk Architecten

The care building is characterized by a clear and simple design of 3 linked building volumes. To clarify the circuit, each warehouse volume has a gently sloping gable roof and its own color of brickwork, together they form a family. This is reinforced by giving the individual facades a vertical articulation with floor-to-ceiling fronts.

The housing types, 2 and 3 room apartments, are accessed via a wide central corridor and each has a loggia or a terrace on the ground floor. One of the buildings offers customized care, provided by a contracted care organization. On the ground floor, the common areas are situated on the water, where meeting and doing activities together is central.

photo_credit Woonwerk Architecten
Woonwerk Architecten
photo_credit Woonwerk Architecten
Woonwerk Architecten
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