Healing environment

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about healing environment

NotíciasNotícia • 13 jan. 2025

New psychiatric clinic in Tampere, Finland provides example of “healing architecture”

O estúdio de arquitetura dinamarquês C.F. Møller Architects trabalhou em colaboração com o estúdio finlandês ARCO Architecture Company para conceber e concluir uma nova clínica psiquiátrica no Hospital Universitário de Tampere, na cidade de Tampere, Finlândia. A clínica proporciona um ambiente benéfico e curativo tanto para os pacientes como para o pessoal; localizadas no limite do terreno do hospital, as novas instalações misturam-se com a paisagem circundante para oferecer uma atmosfera tranquila, privada e terapêutica. A ligação (através de um túnel subterrâneo) às infra-estruturas do hospit... Mais

NotíciasNotícia • 6 dez. 2024

Kinderspital Zürich by Herzog & de Meuron emphasizes role played by architecture in the healing process

O recém-concluído Universtäts - Kinderspital Zürich (Hospital Pediátrico Universitário) foi inaugurado no pitoresco bairro de Zürich-Lengg, na cidade suíça. Concebido pelo gabinete de arquitetura internacional Herzog & de Meuron, é a maior instalação da Suíça para crianças e adolescentes. O hospital está dividido em dois edifícios: um hospital de cuidados intensivos e um centro de investigação e ensino. O design perspicaz enfatiza o papel que a arquitetura desempenha na contribuição para o processo de cura. Maris Mezulis Maris Mezulis Herzog & de Meuron Situado a sul... Mais

Projeto • By Storax BVHospitais

UMCG Groningen

For the UMCG, Sax Architects deliberately avoided the traditional hospital atmosphere. This was achieved through the use of warm colors, photographic images on the walls of the examination rooms, and inviting waiting areas. Acrovyn wall protection is ideally suited for this purpose. Acrovyn 2000 is available in 36 standard design colors, and with Acrovyn by Design, any desired design can be created. Caption Caption Caption   Mais

Projeto • By LANDPROCESSParques / Jardins

Sookwana Healing Garden

Establishing the vision of a ‘Green hospital’ for the hospital planning development, Kotch has been involved to create more green areas for a dense concrete hospital and utilizing the possible waste space to create a better healing environment. The healthy environment of the hospital is considered a crucial component of the healing process. The planning and design provide physical spaces for the users to reconnect with nature. The key to shaping the healthy behavior and well-being of patients, families, visitors, and their staff. LANDPROCESS The Ecotherapy concept is applied to enhance the therapeutic experience. The proved evidence of better recovery in physical sickness with the touch of natural elements. Sunlight, plant... Mais

NotíciasNotícia • 31 jan. 2022

Studio i29 develop a soothing green brand identity for Dentista dental clinic in Amsterdam

Combining a soothing green atmosphere with natural wood and sharp lines in clean white, Dentista aims to be a high-end practice for everybody who is serious about their health and beauty.  Thomas van Schaik The architectural design and brand identity for Dentista’s first dental clinic in central Amsterdam were developed by i29. Placing an emphasis on wellness, lush greenery separates waiting clients from the busy street outside while a sharp-angled green zone and reception desk separate the waiting area from the eight treatment rooms beyond.  Thomas van Schaik Special state-of-the-art technology including the X-ray and sterilization room is found at the back of the space.  Thomas van Schaik A hidden co... Mais

Projeto • By EGM architectsHospitais

Drive-In OR Complex

EGM architects has completed a new, innovative complex of operating rooms on the roof of the visitor car park at the Reinier de Graaf Hospital in Delft. The unique drive-in complex offers rapid, easily accessible and welcoming care services. The complex responds to the growing demand for high-quality outpatient facilities in Dutch hospitals. Stijnstijl Fotografie Unique concept With the design of this drive-in operating room complex (OR), EGM has realized a concept that provides care in a new way. Everything is geared to getting patients back on their feet and giving them full control. Built directly on top of the existing visitor car park, the complex lets patients drive right into the operating room, so to speak. And, after their t... Mais

Projeto • By EGM architectsHospitais

Erasmus MC Interior

Functional stratificationThe various facilities are no longer spread out, but linked together and interwoven between the departments for outpatient care and for diagnostics, the ICU and the operating theatre. This encourages cooperation and knowledge exchange. The facilities are organised so that the outpatient facilities and emergency room are located downstairs in the most dynamic environment, whereas the nursing rooms enjoy the tranquillity of the upper floors.Natural light and orientationThe public area offers structure and an overview. The atrium provides an orientation point as well as natural light to the building facades, even in the areas located at the lowest levels. In the outpatient facilities and the nursing ward, the waiting r... Mais

Produto • By Atelier PRO architektenHealing Sofa

Healing Sofa

Sleeping in a hospital is not the same as sleeping at home. Especially after surgery or long term illness. To have someone around you whom you can trust is comforting to the patient. For this purpose Meander Medisch Centrum wanted a multifunctional sofa in every one person room. Atelier PRO designed the Healing Sofa. This rooming-in piece of furniture is unique in the Netherlands and has been developed for the Meander Medical Centre.It is one of the first multi-functional pieces of furniture for professional care institutions. The Healing Sofa has combined functions of a writing desk, guest bed, sofa and table.In search of space saving solutions, the demand for additional functionalities in single hospital rooms and the hotel ‘roo... Mais

Projeto • By MecanooHospitais

Zaans Medical Centre

Zaans Medical Centre is the first lean hospital in the Netherlands. It is an efficient and compact building in which professional healthcare and a personal approach strengthen each other. Architecture, urbanism, landscape and interior are brought together in a coherent design. Clear routing, an abundance of daylight, and positive distractions contribute to an environment that does not feel like a hospital, but as a place that promotes wellbeing. The clear stacking of two floors of outpatient clinics, two floors of clinical departments and a flexible facility layer between them, optimally serves these primary care processes. All departments are designed to prevent any form of waste. Whenever possible, the outpatient clinics and nursing... Mais

Projeto • By Nord Architects CopenhagenHabitação social

Urban Hospice

A NORD Architects projetou um novo hospício para a comunidade de diaconisas, localizado em Copenhague, Dinamarca. O projeto substitui um hospício existente e é projetado para refletir e apoiar a noção de que a arquitetura de cura tem um efeito positivo em pacientes paliativos. A forma geral e o conceito foram fortemente influenciados pelas complexas condições do local e pela proximidade do contexto construído vizinho. Dentro desses parâmetros, a visão era criar uma atmosfera acolhedora e protetora. O design incorpora elementos curvos e retilíneos que permitem um layout funcional ideal, construído em torno de um pátio interno privado. O hospício... Mais

Projeto • By EGM architectsHospitais

Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital

The Erasmus MC-Sophia Children's Hospital was in urgent need of renovation. EGM architecten renovated the departments, completed the Newborn Centre, the Oncology Centre and part of the Perinatal Centre. These renovations make the hospital up-to-date and ready for the future. The Newborn Centre received a mix of luxury accommodation and birthing rooms with hotel-like style. Bamboo, quiet yet fresh material, colour use and the abundance of light create a warm healing environment. A major operation was the realisation of the Oncological Centre. Outpatient, laboratory, clinic and polyclinic were previously housed in different parts of the hospital, but now they are placed together. A large, open reception plaza – with natural light and views –... Mais

Projeto • By EGM architectsEstacionamentos

Jeroen Bosch Hospital

The Jeroen Bosch Hospital seeks to be the most patient-friendly hospital in Netherlands. EGM architects translated this desire into a building with a clever layout, ample daylight, playful interior and accessible, green outdoor spaces. Human scaleThe Jeroen Bosch Hospital building is the largest non-academic hospital in the Netherlands. It arises from a merger of three smaller hospitals and the collaboration with other institutions. A comprehensive analysis of the organisation lies on the basis of the design. This resulted in a modern and smoothly functioning complex.The hospital consists of four elongated building components, among which gardens are created. With a small boulevard, which connects the buildings, the extensive complex was ab... Mais

Projeto • By EGM architectsHospitais

Instituut Verbeeten

As a specialist hospital, the Verbeeten Institute provides top clinical care in the areas of radiotherapeutic oncology and nuclear medicine. It supplies tailor-made care, with every effort focusing on the patient and his experience. That's why patients and employees have been directly involved in the design. In part, their input has led to the building as it is today: a building with a Healing Environment, friendly, safe and transparent. An environment in which both patients and employees feel comfortable.Villa in a green environmentIn order to provide even better care for its patients, the Verbeeten Institute has realized a new branch next to the Jeroen Bosch Hospital. It is a unique location, with a green environment with trees and meadow... Mais