Hospital architecture

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about hospital architecture

NotíciasNotícia • 13 jan. 2025

New psychiatric clinic in Tampere, Finland provides example of “healing architecture”

O estúdio de arquitetura dinamarquês C.F. Møller Architects trabalhou em colaboração com o estúdio finlandês ARCO Architecture Company para conceber e concluir uma nova clínica psiquiátrica no Hospital Universitário de Tampere, na cidade de Tampere, Finlândia. A clínica proporciona um ambiente benéfico e curativo tanto para os pacientes como para o pessoal; localizadas no limite do terreno do hospital, as novas instalações misturam-se com a paisagem circundante para oferecer uma atmosfera tranquila, privada e terapêutica. A ligação (através de um túnel subterrâneo) às infra-estruturas do hospit... Mais

NotíciasNotícia • 6 dez. 2024

Kinderspital Zürich by Herzog & de Meuron emphasizes role played by architecture in the healing process

O recém-concluído Universtäts - Kinderspital Zürich (Hospital Pediátrico Universitário) foi inaugurado no pitoresco bairro de Zürich-Lengg, na cidade suíça. Concebido pelo gabinete de arquitetura internacional Herzog & de Meuron, é a maior instalação da Suíça para crianças e adolescentes. O hospital está dividido em dois edifícios: um hospital de cuidados intensivos e um centro de investigação e ensino. O design perspicaz enfatiza o papel que a arquitetura desempenha na contribuição para o processo de cura. Maris Mezulis Maris Mezulis Herzog & de Meuron Situado a sul... Mais

NotíciasNotícia • 7 nov. 2024

Midland Metropolitan University Hospital sets new standard for clinical healthcare design

Os ateliers de arquitetura HKS, Cagni Williams e Sonnemann Toon concluíram o Midland Metropolitan University Hospital (MMUH), um novo hospital de cuidados intensivos de última geração em Sandwell, West Midlands, Inglaterra. Um projeto para o Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust, o MMUH faz parte do “New Hospital Programme” em Inglaterra, uma iniciativa que visa a construção e modernização de hospitais em todo o país. Descrito como “um dos hospitais mais avançados da Europa”, o MMUH estabelece um novo padrão para a conceção de cuidados de saúde clínicos. O projeto funciona também como um catalisador da reg... Mais
St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, NO
St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, NO
St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, NO
St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, NO
St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, NO

Projeto • By PlexwoodHospitais

St. Olavs Hospital

Projeto: Hospital St. Olavs, Trondheim, NO  Aplicação: Revestimentos de paredes acústicos, tetos, armações das janelas e balcão de recepção  Tipo de madeira: Pinho, Bétula Produto: Painel unilateral, Painel bilateral, Acústico - Ladrilho Design: NSW Arkitekter & Planleggere, Ratio Arkitekter, NO Realização: SSC Lindvalls, SE Mais

Projeto • By Prashant Parmar ArchitectHospitais

Modern Hospital Interior at Ratnanjali Solitaire

Let us explore the Space Planning and Interiors of Arham Surgical Hospital having carpet area of 3720 sq. ft. where every corner embraces you with the Comfort of Home, Creating Calmness in Care. The Doctor is a renowned and one of the best Laparoscopic Surgeons In Ahmedabad practicing for over 18+ years. After successfully designing the Hospital of the client before 6 years, the satisfaction provided, led them to approach us again for designing his Laproscopic hospital at one of the prime locations of Ahmedabad. The client wished to design a soothing, timeless, and elegant hospital interiors with 10 beds and utmost facilities for the patients such that they feel homely in the space. studio_16mm It was a dream of the doctor to design h... Mais

Projeto • By ALPOLIC® | Metal Composites MaterialsHospitais

Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital

Custom Metallic and Mica finishes from #ALPOLIC work together on the envelope of the Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital at the University of Utah to create a welcoming environment that also harmonizes with its natural surroundings. The shining copper color and pearlescent warmth of the Mica metal composite materials evoke a sense of calm and comfort.  Use of these finishes is particularly noticeable on the large canopy at the hospital's entrance. Paired together, the colors extend from the building to shield incoming patients and visitors from the sun, and draw them into a similarly designed place of solace and healing. Steve Tatro Steve Tatro Mais

NotíciasNotícia • 28 mai. 2024

C.F. Møller Architects demonstrates importance of evidence-based architecture to providing therapeutic mental health services

O gabinete de arquitetura dinamarquês C.F. Møller Architects concluiu o Hospital Universitário de Springfield, um centro de serviços de saúde mental no sudoeste de Londres, Inglaterra. O projeto do hospital demonstra a importância da arquitetura baseada em provas na criação de um ambiente terapêutico para os pacientes e na melhoria do bem-estar do pessoal e dos visitantes. Mark Hadden Mark Hadden C.F. Møller Architects O Hospital Universitário de Springfield está no centro de um programa de regeneração imobiliária em grande escala de 81 acres (33 hectares) (conhecido como Springfield Village) para o Sudoeste de L... Mais

Projeto • By LINK ArkitekturHospitais

New Aalborg University Hospital

NAU is a vast new hospital complex in Aalborg East serving the entire region of northern Jutland. The project also includes 25,000 m2 for Aalborg University’s Faculty of Health Sciences (SUND) and development of a master structure plan totalling around 330,000 m2 which includes the creation of Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital, an oncology house, patient hotel and extension of the outpatient house, a service village and chapel. Smith Hammer Lassen / LINK Arkitektur New Aalborg University Hospital has a consistent focus on the individual, both in the architectural expression of the hospital and in the overall structure and inner organisation, which aim to accommodate the patient and provide a patient flow. The consistent focus on the... Mais

Projeto • By Dream & Real ArchitectureHospitais

Covid 19 Prefabricated Modular Hospital Quick Construction Process is planned. 3 x 12 m, 2,4 x 6 m, 3 x 7 m standard prefabricated container modules are used in this hospital design. Project Team: Buket DEMİREL (Architect, M. Arch) Mustafa Sinan ÇORAK (Architect) Halil İbrahim GÜL (Architectural Student) Muhammet Furkan ÖNÜRME (Interior Architect) Sertan Demirdağ ( Architect ) Cost Consultancy Mais

Projeto • By CO ArchitectsHospitais

Palomar Medical Center

CO Architects conceptualized a functional and flexible vertical garden hospital set within a campus configuration.  The greenfield site—part of a 186-acre business park currently under development—is bounded by residential property to the west, light industrial development to the north, Citracado Parkway and a Sempra power plant to the east, and future business park development  to the south.  The plan positions the hospital at the north end of the site, where there is the greatest width to accommodate necessary access points and circulation.     The signature patient tower building—with its gently curving form—figuratively opens its arms to welcome patients.  A vertical garden at the... Mais

Projeto • By PMMTHospitais

Manta Hospital

Criteria such as universal accessibility and parametric design consolidate the Manta Hospital, the third healthcare center designed by PMMT Architecture in Ecuador. This new building is one of the most advanced buildings in the healthcare sector.   The Manta Hospital was built accordingly to the parameters settled for the “Fluid Hospital”, a typology created by PMMT Architecture whose conceptualization and design are the result of a standardized method that starts with an in-depth analysis of the metric that defines the building, enabling an important time reduction fort the design, construction, equipment and commissioning processes.   The new Manta Hospital, located in the coast of Ecuador, is the third healthcar... Mais