
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about zurich

NotíciasNotícia • 6 dez. 2024

Kinderspital Zürich by Herzog & de Meuron emphasizes role played by architecture in the healing process

O recém-concluído Universtäts - Kinderspital Zürich (Hospital Pediátrico Universitário) foi inaugurado no pitoresco bairro de Zürich-Lengg, na cidade suíça. Concebido pelo gabinete de arquitetura internacional Herzog & de Meuron, é a maior instalação da Suíça para crianças e adolescentes. O hospital está dividido em dois edifícios: um hospital de cuidados intensivos e um centro de investigação e ensino. O design perspicaz enfatiza o papel que a arquitetura desempenha na contribuição para o processo de cura. Maris Mezulis Maris Mezulis Herzog & de Meuron Situado a sul... Mais

Projeto • By GRUNER&FRIENDSEscritórios

ZUR3 Data Center

O Data Center ZUR3 foi concebido e planeado num sistema BIM integrado para a Digital Realty. O edifício está estrategicamente localizado junto ao aeroporto de Zurique, ligando os centros de dados existentes, que são todos importantes pedras angulares para a expansão e o desenvolvimento futuro do novo campus inovador. Adjacente ao ZUR3, o projeto "Meet", um empreendimento de utilização mista com 26 000 m2, concebido pelo arquiteto japonês Sou Fujimoto, albergará espaços comerciais, recreativos e comerciais/trabalho. GRUNER&FRIENDS Inspirados pelo filme "Interstellar" de Christopher Nolan, desenvolvemos uma nova tipologia de design para um Centro de Dados, reestudando o d... Mais

NotíciasDetalhe • 14 fev. 2024

Detail: The planned disassembly of a temporary wooden sports hall in Zurich

O gabinete de arquitetura suíço Itten+Brechbühl AG (IB) concluiu o "Sporthallenprovisorium Gloriarank" - pavilhão desportivo temporário Gloriarank. Localizado no centro de Zurique, a estrutura de madeira pré-fabricada irá proporcionar uma instalação desportiva provisória durante o desenvolvimento do Forum UZH, um novo centro de educação e investigação para a Universidade de Zurique (UZH). Yohan Zerdoun Photography Com realização prevista para a próxima década, o Forum UZH é uma parte significativa da transformação em grande escala do bairro universitário de Zurique. Para completar... Mais

Projeto • By JansenParadas de bonde

VBZ Tram Depot Kalkbreite

The Elisabethenstrasse tram depot in Zurich is an example of the city’s artistic and cultural heritage that is worthy of protection. Over the past three years it has undergone a comprehensive renovation while continuing to operate. Today, the structural and technical shortcomings have been remedied and the large-scale glazing shines in a fresh, new light Caption Mais

Projeto • By IDA14 by Karsten SchmidtHospitais

Cantonal Hospital Aarau

Competition – KSA We are pleased to officially inform you that we are part of the winning team of the new KSA Cantonal Hospital Aarau project «Dreiklang»! Many thanks to the whole team for the great cooperation:Marti Gesamtleistungen AG, BAM Swiss AG, BAM Deutschland AG, Burckhardt+Partner AG, wörner traxler richter, Buri Müller Partner GmbH, Topotek 1, IDA14, LICHT KUNST LICHT AG, Lohfert & Lohfert AG, WaltGalmarini, blesshess, Gruner AG, Kalt & Halbeisen, Vadea AG, IBG B. Graf AG, Ramboll GmbH, H plus S Gastronomie-Fachplanung GmbH, MTP Planungsgesellschaft, Geotechnisches Institut, Kopitsis Bauphysik AG, hkg.ch, CSD Ingenieure, Kaulquappe AG, Suisse GmbH. “The Administrative Board of Kantonssp... Mais

Projeto • By IDA14 by Karsten SchmidtRestaurantes

Restaurant Zürichberg

According to the motto: “Today begins the future of the past”, by Sorell Hotels Switzerland, we oriented ourselves for the restaurant renovation to the typical architectural features of the Art Nouveau halls above the restaurant and reinterpreted them in a contemporary way. The artful neon installations on the ceiling of the restaurant recall the listed stucco work, while geometrical wall reliefs made of light beige fiberglass concrete reflect the subject of the dark wooden panelling. Chairs with textile surfaces in rich colors provide an exciting contrast to the warm room colors. “The ideas of Karsten Schmidt and his team have conviced us right from the beginning, because they are related to the big renovation in 1995&rd... Mais

Projeto • By IDA14 by Karsten SchmidtLojas

Giahi Tattoo

The new Giahi Tattoo & Piercing Studio in the former Falken Pharmacy in the heart of Lucerne’s old town apperas in an old rose color and contrasting, light, minimal and linear elements. In addition to four tattoo and one piercing rooms on the 1st floor, on the ground floor clients can find piercings, jewelery, accessories and care products presented on filigree, under-lit shelving systems, even more emphasized by glass cubes and drawer furniture. The self-designed aluminum-clad cashier desk and the coffee counter top made of solid Verde Maritaca granite make very clear statements. Not to be overlooked is the new suspended metal staircase, which sets a great accent with its filigree contrasting the first two concrete steps in the... Mais

Projeto • By IDA14 by Karsten SchmidtCasas Particulares

Family House on Lake Zurich

The single-family house built in 1920 has been completely renovated in the interior. Mais

Projeto • By IDA14 by Karsten SchmidtHotéis

Sorell Hotel Zürichberg

The renovated and modernized Sorell Hotel Zürichberg is a boutique hotel in the 4 * standard range. The unusual and individual interior design is based on the independence of the architecture and history. The spatial implementation based on the reform style and the surroundings has been interpreted in a contemporary way and thus conveys more proximity to the destination. The design strategy is reduction & multifunctionality. The rooms appear light, elegant and personal. The "Swissness" is represented beyond traditional clichés. True to the motto "Think global, act local", the design is local, valuable, durable, handcrafted and therefore sustainable. Mais