We Have A Vision Inspiring creations should not be hidden from all people out there. At CROWDYHOUSE we believe that inspiring creations that stimulate our senses must be exposed, admired, shared and bought. Because something that is made with sense and sensibility has the ability to change our lives for the better. According to us this mind-opening quality deserves honest support. Life is just too short not to create, not to love and not to lend a helping hand to our designing brothers and sisters. We are working towards a world filled with a wider variety of design. That’s why we open our doors for design talents that are blessed with an exciting uniqueness. Even for the super edgy ones with a small commercial audience. We Are On A Mission Discovering hidden talents and connect them to the crowd. When the right people are gathered in the right way, the whole becomes greater, perhaps much greater, than the sum of its parts. Gathering the right people at the right time in their lives, in the right combination of talents, is our core business. Beyond the limits of the traditional design conventions we create the right conditions for upcoming designers to be discovered. We inspire them to develop design that is off the beaten track, giving them online and offline tools to promote, sell and deliver it. Together with all people out there we can help these raw talents with adding some spice to the existing design world.
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Crowdy House Amsterdam
Rigakade 10, Amsterdam, Netherlands
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