Lorenz Ateliers
Lorenz Ateliers
Lorenz Ateliers

Lorenz Ateliers

LORENZATELIERS – internationally active Austrian architecture offices for urbanism, architecture and design. They handle master plans, project development and building planning all the way to its culmination in property handover. Their work is anchored in ethical standards, a humanistic world view, all-embracing accountability and responsibility. A versatile international team places highest possible importance on expending every human effort to fulfil their assigned tasks to perfection. Their guiding light is respectful interdisciplinary cooperation with top experts. Their objective, among other things: achieving long enduring quality and timeless architecture. It is not the ‘style’ that assumes priority, but rather, finding the optimal solution for complex challenges in irreproducible locations. Competent construction management provides the indispensable complement to professional planning. For international projects, local partners of unsurpassed standing are available. LORENZATELIERS was founded in 1980 in Innsbruck by Peter Lorenz. Since 1991 it has had its headquarters in Vienna. A new branch will be opened in Trieste, Italy in 2018. Architect Giulia Decorti has been a partner since 2014. “Our architectural work is accompanied by a profound and penetrating search for the sense behind our actions and the correct, i.e. valid solutions for the assignments we are entrusted with.”


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Lorenz Ateliers Offices
Lorenz Ateliers Vienna
+43 (0) 1 533 49 08
Hollandstraße 9/1, 1020 Wien, Austria
Lorenz Ateliers Innsbruck
+43 (0) 512 586845
Maria-Theresien-Straße 37, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria