Fiber cement panel

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about fiber cement panel

Proyecto • By Miró Rivera ArchitectsCasas Privadas

Rocky River Residence

La Residencia Rocky River se concibió como una casa "al revés", con las principales zonas de estar situadas en el nivel superior para aprovechar las espectaculares vistas del centro de Austin. La disposición crea la sensación de vivir entre las copas de los robles autóctonos de los alrededores. Paul Finkel | Piston Design Paul Finkel | Piston Design Desde la calle, la casa parece una típica residencia de una sola planta, una ilusión creada por la construcción del paisaje en una berma suavemente inclinada. El exterior está revestido con una pantalla contra la lluvia de paneles de fibrocemento; la base está revestida de piedra caliza rugosa. Los espacios privados... Más

Proyecto • By Touloukian Touloukian IncApartamentos

Boylston Street Residences

Formerly a vacant lot, this six unit housing project is set out to be both a pleasurable place to live, and an urban park experience. Sited as a bookend to a public park, the regulatory review process prompted a modern contextual edge to its urban open space.  Anton Grassl Mindful of the urban condition, the new townhouses are setback from the property to align with the adjacent housing context scale, and blend into the foreground of the park’s mature trees. Utilizing masonry earth tones, beveled recess openings, and textured brick patterns; the park facing building emulates its landscape context. Materials include board formed concrete, and two different standard color bricks in both norman and modular sizes that are proje... Más

Producto • By Fry RegletExterior Trim & Reveal Systems

Exterior Trim & Reveal Systems

Exterior Trim & Reveal Systems specially engineered for fiber cement panel and stucco applications. Profiles come in a wide range of colors and finishes. Add details and dimension to your façade.  Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption Más