
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about refurbishment

Proyecto • By Aldebert Verdier Architectes / AVACentro de Visitantes

Grande Dune du Pilat Visitor Centre Refurbishment

The Dune du Pilat is both powerful and fragile, a source of fascination, hence the high standards imposed for its conservation and for receiving the public. The surrounding infrastructure carries the Grand Site de France label, so the restoration project had to embrace a sustainable development dynamic and welcome visitors in a quality environment. It was important that its rehabilitation lived up to its exceptional nature. Agnès Clotis The project would bring the site up to standard and included a diagnosis, with a view to proposing various design and planning scenarios. Rehabilitation objectives included: upgrade of existing huts; development of administrative, reception, educational and commercial functions; and improved flo... Más

Proyecto • By IDKUniversidades

London School of Architecture

The restoration and refurbishment of a late 19th century church hall in Dalston to provide a design education centre for the most accessible architecture school in the UK, the London School of Architecture.  Jim Stephenson Jim Stephenson Jim Stephenson Working within a tight budget, IDK designed an affordable scheme to convert a church hall in disrepair into a design education centre for the London School of Architecture.  Jim Stephenson Jim Stephenson Resources were channelled to where absolutely necessary, with the layers of previous piecemeal additions stripped out to return the building to a sense of its former self. This created the necessary spaces for a super flexible community institution. The Lo... Más

Proyecto • By KLAB architecture (kinetic lab of architecture)Supermercados

Thanopoulos Supermarket

The main idea was to change the notion of the supermarket as it exists today in Greece -indifferent big boxes with long alleys of products. For us, the supermarket had to be resolved as an interpretation of an urban market place where you go to different shops to find different goods and interfere with other people. Mariana Bisti Mariana Bisti Mariana Bisti Mariana Bisti Following the refurbishment, the super market extends to 1500m2 and was limited to two floors occupying a larger area than it did before on three floors. The storage areas, which in the past occupied the majority of the space of the basement, were moved to the 1st and 2nd floors, setting the basement space free for use for the supermarket. Communication... Más

Proyecto • By Architettura TommasiIglesias

Chiesetta del Crivelli

The church stands within a large green space, somewhat removed from a small but historically traditional village. The modest hamlet, in turn, is surrounded by wide, open cultivated spaces, in a harmonious composition. The observer of the hamlet's road can see it standing out against the not too distant theory of the Euganean Hills, identifiable one by one in their succession. Marcello Mariana A building that from 1524, the year of its construction, played an important role for a few centuries, only to suffer a gradual decline, until it was abandoned in recent decades. In the space in front of the church, only a few surviving cobblestones can be found scattered around, but not in such a way as to suggest at least a hypothesis on the or... Más

Proyecto • By Martins da Cruz ArquitecturaOficinas

Triumcare - Psychology Clinic

Partiendo de un espacio abandonado existente, el objetivo del proyecto era instalar tres consultorios de psicología, apoyados por una recepción, un área de espera, dos áreas de almacenamiento/áreas técnicas y dos instalaciones sanitarias (hombres, mujeres + movilidad reducida). Miguel Marques La estructura existente, desde un principio, abrió el camino para establecer un trazado sencillo y funcional, con un singular recorrido en forma de “L”, alrededor del cual se ubican los compartimentos necesarios. Miguel Marques Las tres oficinas se instalaron para aprovechar las ventanas existentes, el área de recepción y espera inmediatamente al lado de la ún... Más

Proyecto • By ARM ArchitectureSalas de Conciertos

Sydney Opera House Concert Hall Renewal

In 2015, ARM was given the enormous responsibility and privilege of upgrading the iconic building’s Concert Hall. The project called for modifications that were sensitive and respectful of the heritage building, whilst elevating the acoustics to a world-class standard. Our overarching aim was to upgrade the Concert Hall interior and acoustics to match the brilliance of Jorn Utzon’s exterior and Peter Hall’s interior. Daniel Boud ARM Principal Andrew Hayne describes the three principal goals for the project. “First and foremost, the goal was to improve the acoustics of the Concert Hall. Second, was to improve the functionality of the room itself, to be able to cater for different types of performances and make... Más

Proyecto • By Palissad ArchitecturesOficinas

Cambaceres Project

La calidad de un espacio de oficinas, más allá de la comodidad y flexibilidad de sus espacios, se mide por la calidad de sus zonas de recepción, presentación, reunión, producción informal, reflexión, restauración y reposo. En definitiva, lugares de permanencia, circulación e intercambio. Agradables y eficaces, son también productivos y representativos. Sergio Grazia Sergio Grazia Una vez que se atraviesa la hermosa puerta laqueada en rojo rubí y el pasaje cubierto invadido por la luz, se encuentra un jardín, lujo supremo en París. Se camina sobre una fina malla de acero inoxidable, bajo la cual se percibe una alfombra vegetal por la que se... Más

Proyecto • By Robbrecht en Daem architectenOficinas

Studio Robbrecht en Daem architecten

In a working class neigbourhood of Ghent, against the backdrop of nearby blocks of high-rise flats, Robbrecht en Daem converted an existing timber yard into new architectural studios. Filip Dujardin The roof of the shed, built by the wood construction company De Coene in the early seventies, was partially dismantled. What used to be the work floor has become an outdoor space that accommodates an arboretum fringed with wild grasses, a swimming pool, bicycle parking and a large open area for performances and exhibitions. It is a ‘playground’ for artist friends, for partying or resting. Described as a ‘modern “ruin”’ (by Dieter De Clercq, 2010), this open area is ‘a coarse filter between the offi... Más

Proyecto • By Robbrecht en Daem architectenGalerías de Arte

Whitechapel Gallery

In the best museums and galleries one finds one's way through a series of rooms, where the artefacts are carefully lit and set off by calm backgrounds. A degree of repetition helps navigation, some variation helps orientation. Filip Dujardin The proposals for the Whitechapel Art Gallery are bold in their restraint (someone commented: 'where’s the architecture?') and seize a simple but powerful opportunity: lower and upper floors are configured as circuits of rooms, with the stylistically different but volumetrically similar existing galleries linked up by smaller, more domestically scaled gallery spaces. The subtle rhythms and contrasts of the rooms form the backdrop to the wide variety of work on display (historic and contempor... Más

Proyecto • By Robbrecht en Daem architectenBibliotecas

Boekentoren - University Library

The conservation project for the Book Tower aims at restoring the historical site of the University Library, situated in the lively quartier Latin of Ghent, meanwhile at transforming it into a library for the 21st Century. The design unites the ambitions of the University to respectfully repair the monumental site to its original condition, but also to render it a contemporary house for a great diversity of users and for the valuable own collection of the institute. Kristien Daem The Ghent University Library is internationally renowned for its ‘heritage collection’ of manuscripts, books, coins, curiosa, newspapers and magazines. The study into the conservation project revealed that the conservation of these precious object... Más

Proyecto • By INHABITRestaurantes


Una renovación completa de la panadería Maleva situada aquí mismo en el centro de Marbella. Juanan Barros Juanan Barros Juanan Barros Juanan Barros Estamos más que contentos de ver cómo ha quedado este espacio y sentimos que la calidad de la artesanía que estas personas vierten en su trabajo ahora realmente se refleja en el espacio en el que trabajan. Juanan Barros Juanan Barros Juanan Barros Más

Proyecto • By INHABITRestaurantes


Sacay es un nuevo establecimiento multicultural con ambiente balinés en Marbella, que combina con éxito varios formatos. Elin Rodestrand Elin Rodestrand Las principales áreas interiores y la terraza funcionan como restaurante, mientras que la zona de playa está diseñada para actividades de ocio y relax. Queríamos redefinir el concepto típico de chiringuito de la zona llevando la jungla indonesia y su artesanía a la playa. Elin Rodestrand Elin Rodestrand Más

Proyecto • By INHABITOficinas


Situado en el famoso complejo Puente Romano, frente al patio principal del resort, se enclava el hogar de Pure Living Properties, una exclusiva firma inmobiliaria establecida en Marbella. Juanan Barros Juanan Barros Juanan Barros Juanan Barros   Más

Proyecto • By AVA Design Pvt. Ltd.Oficinas

Amalgamated Plantations

A Heritage Building on a major High street in Guwahati was calling for upgradation from a usage point of view to be able to extract its true commercial value. Our clients are a reputed Tea Plantation company engaged in the business of Tea Plantations and related endeavors. Amalgamated Plantations Pvt. Ltd (APPL) is the second largest tea producer in India with 24 tea estates in Assam and Bengal covering approximately 24,000 ha and employing 31000 people. Caption Apart from the core business of Tea, APPL has ventured into the Agri foods and Timber/Bamboo Plantations business within the tea estates focusing in the areas of spices, horticulture, animal husbandry and bamboo and high value timber.  With this kind of company backgroun... Más

Proyecto • By Space&MatterApartamentos

Bataafse Kamp

The Bataafse Kamp, a characteristic school building in the centre of Hengelo from the post-war reconstruction period, is being transformed by Space&Matter into sustainable Park Homes organised around a collective courtyard. The redesign of the building and the adjacent park enhances appealing qualities and adds new functions. Together, they form an interwoven ensemble, combining clean lines with soft vegetation, living in a heritage building with nature. Caption TransformationThe historic and majestic character of the building form the basis for Space&Matter's design, which leaves the existing building intact as much as possible. Space&Matter preserves the grand stairwells, the formal post-war facades and the main volumes,... Más