

In our opinion, architecture is primarily a social item, a consequence of both conflicts and compromise. Architecture is the dynamic result of the contradictory dialogue between economic, cultural and social interests which are interacting for each project. Thus, each project is “loaded” with information and becomes less autonomous. However, the design and construction of space establish some sort of consensus and implies the will to go beyond individuality. The design of space is the real proof of shared cultural values. We are stimulated by both the collective dimension of work and by work on collective areas. One may say that modernity nowadays, means being and wanting “at the same time”. It means combination, confrontation and dialogue, the collective topic which goes beyond individual limits. We usually quote Kierkegaard in order to characterise our approach: “leave open the wounds of possibilities”. These open possibilities refer to an attitude implying that before starting any project, one must set free from any stylistic or technical preconception, try to remain open to suggestions and context assertions, in the broadest sense of the term. It also implies accepting encounters that can change one’s way of thinking or at least inflect it (be it by a book, a film, a person, an idea on a building site). It is important for us to place this attitude at the heart of a project’s design process. This process is not linear but iterative, not static but dynamic, not only intellectual and abstract but also organic and concrete. On the other hand, this permanent responsiveness towards the sphere of possibilities also involves the capacity of making choices among all the solicitations we are receiving. This is the reason why we often keep inside the completed building some elements related to signs, fragments or glimpses of our design choices.
Architecture-Studio オフィス
Architecture-Studio 75012
10 rue Lacuée, 75012, France