Daniel Marshall Architect Ltd.
Emily Andrews & Ernie Shackles
Daniel Marshall Architect Ltd.
Daniel Marshall Architect Ltd.

Daniel Marshall Architect Ltd.

Daniel Marshall established Daniel Marshall Architects in 1999. The focus of the practice is to provide a personalised architectural response to individual clients. It has been a successful collaboration over the years, resulting in many design awards and many more clients whose expectations were exceeded. Daniel leads a core team of talented designers involved in a wide array of design projects. The emphasis is on attaining a high degree of resolution while developing the design to ensure a smooth and efficient construction process. Because the practice utilises state of the art technological processes, visualisation of the architecture is easily accessible to both client and builder. Our passion is great design. We believe that considered design makes all our lives better.
Daniel Marshall Architect Ltd. オフィス
Daniel Marshall Architect Ltd. Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand