We believe architecture is an iterative design process that leads to a strong concept. Our solutions are specifically tailored to the physical, social and economic context. We strive for a perfectly operational, rational building with uniform arrangement, clear floor plans and optimal building exploitation. A clever setup creates (budgetary) space for alluring spatial solutions and celebration of the architecture. This architectural rational exuberance goes beyond solving specific needs or making unique iconic gestures. The goal is to realise buildings that offer added value to both users and the environment. From this premise, we are always looking to innovate - whether it concerns the process, materials, unique identity, or programming. Our approach yields promising, timeless and generous architecture. In short, we wish for people to truly embrace their building.
Koschuch Architects オフィス
Koschuch Architects
+31(0)20 3080498
Grasweg 52B, 1031 HX Amsterdam, Netherlands