Mackey Mitchell Architects worked in partnership with Moore Ruble Yudell Architects to design the new Hillman Hall for the George Warren Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. The 105,000SF, $60 million building sits at the heart of campus, adjacent to the historic Brookings Hall. It provides academic, faculty office, research, and public event space to support the growing Master of Social Work program, ranked #1 in the world for several years.
The building's diverse program is distributed around a highly social network of shared spaces for large public events and smaller seminar discussions, organized along a wide, sinuous corridor that provides access to more secluded clusters of faculty offices and research centers. A bright, open cafe anchors one end of the central corridor, with open seating that spills out into adjacent shared spaces, acting as a social magnet that draws people out of separate departments and encourages spontaneous dialogue between academic disciplines. The new building, as well as renovations to Goldfarb Hall, will support the growth of social work, public health, and public policy well into the future.
In line with the School's mission to train future generations of leaders who will engage with the larger community to solve society's most intractable social and human health problems, the building's entrances are well identified and welcoming, eradicating the physical and social barriers that might diminish the egalitarian sense of inclusion sought to cultivate with the design. This inclusion strategy extends to every part of the design, according to a well-organized universal design strategy, accommodating all levels of human physical, sensory, cognitive and social ability.Hillman Hall is LEED Platinum certified.
Material Used :
1. Missouri Red Granite – North Carolina Granite company – Quarry located 2 hours south of campus.
2. Indiana Limestone – Bybee Limestone Company – Used architectural Revit model to help create the stone profiles.
3. YKK AP – Curtain wall and Storefront –YCW 750/ YHC 300 – Summer Suede Metallic
4. Winco Windows – 2“ series 1150S -
5. Solarban 70 - Glazing – (West, South, East facing)
6. Viracon VE24-2M Optiwhite – (North facing)
7. Duragloss pale oak w/ wood grain acid – Shadow box – Curtain wall shadow box
8. Termco ExoAir 120 and 230 air barrier on CMU/ Exterior PyrSheathing
9. Camara – Slate roofing – Unfading green
10. VM Zinc – Roof and step flashing –Quartz-Zinc
11. Ipe exterior wood benchs.
12. Pyrok Acoustiment 40 – Acoustical plaster at the above the decrotive wood ceiling.
13. Architectural Components Group, Inc. (Armstrong) –Street Wood Ceiling –Grille Dowel Series 1 – 6200-C
14. Architectural Components Group, Inc. (Armstrong) – Custom Circular Wood Ceiling
15. Architectural Components Group, Inc. (Armstrong) – Wood wall paneling –Micro Grille – GM1-20100 - 0.375
16. Kaswell Flooring Systems – Reclaimed Elm End Grain wood flooring – unfinished
17. Nanawall - Sliding glass door –HSW60 Single track sliding system
18. Golterman and Sabo – Accostical Wall Paneling with fiberglass and hard panel.
19. Tectura Designs – Precast Polished Concrete Treads at stairs
20. Won Door – Side closing rated door –Movable fire wall II
21. Clarus - Glass markerboard –Float magnetic, with low gloss.
22. Demountable wall partitions – Haworth - Enclose
23. Operable wall partition – Modernfold – Acousti-Seal 932
24. Tate – Raised Flooring – ConCore: CC1250 panel