The Dojang
Andrea Calo

The Dojang

Ben Newman Studios Architects として

Handcrafted by a collection of local artisans, our latest project honors its owner’s Taekwondo practice. A timeless craft demanding patience, honor, and a sense of calm inspired this multi-purpose space that expands and contracts to mimic our bodies conflicting desires to be both small and large all at once.

photo_credit Andrea Calo
Andrea Calo
photo_credit Andrea Calo
Andrea Calo

With a goal of both blending in and standing out, the use of polygal thermoplastic allows light to move through space creating new perspectives thought out the day. Geometric shapes created by steel and slatted wood move from the exterior to the interior of the space seamlessly to enhance the belief that our inner and outer worlds are simply reflections of themselves.

photo_credit Andrea Calo
Andrea Calo
photo_credit Andrea Calo
Andrea Calo

Tucked into a bamboo-laden corner of the yard, the Dojang is personal and private while inviting and warm. A consistent dichotomy creating harmony for meditation, yoga, and Taekwondo classes to come.

photo_credit Andrea Calo
Andrea Calo

Architects: Ben Newman Studios
Photographer: Andrea Calo

photo_credit Andrea Calo
Andrea Calo
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