
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about stonework

Product • Door Coronado Stone ProductsSawtooth Ledge

Sawtooth Ledge

Sawtooth Ledge offers a beautiful variety of highly detailed textures and colors. This profile works great with modern and contemporary design styles. Meer

project • Door Contell-Martínez ArquitectosTreinstations

Rehabilitation of the old railway station of Burgo

The construction of the railway network and the travelers station by the Company of “Northern Railroads”, at the beginning of the Twentieth cen-tury, was a significant event for the city of Burgos due to the relevance of the equipment and the significance for the city planning, importance that, however, was lost with the passage of the years till its total ab-andonment. The project aims to rehabilitatethe Old Railway Station to accommodate a recreational and leisure programmeintended primarily for children and youth. The intervention extends, on one side,over the Station Square (former Travelers Courtyard) as a pedestrian and relationship space and, on the other side, a boulevard that is today where the railwaysused to be. In... Meer