denis joelsons arquiteto
Pedro Kok
denis joelsons arquiteto
denis joelsons arquiteto

denis joelsons arquiteto

Denis Joelsons is Master's degree in history and fundamentals of architecture and urbanism from FAU, São Paulo (2015). Since 2016 participates in the PAE (Education Improvement Program) in the course of art history chair undergraduate Design FAUUSP. He graduated in architecture and urban design at the School of the City (2010). Institution where he served as assistant professor (2011-2014). He joined the curatorial and research teams of X São Paulo Architecture Biennale (2013) curated by William Wisnik and exposure The Insides are on the Outside (2012), which had as its axis the work of Lina Bo Bardi and was curated by Hans Ulrich Olbrist. Collaborated with several architecture offices in São Paulo and since 2014 maintains its own office. Lattes curriculum
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denis joelsons arquiteto Oficinas
denis joelsons arquiteto são paulo
+55 11 33620385
465. conj. 41, são paulo, Brazil