FAKRO is a private company established in Poland in 1991. The company is the most dynamic and fastest growing roof window manufacturer in the world. The co-owners of international subsidiaries are trading in: UK, Austria, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Poland and Hungary. We aim to supply the highest quality products to satisfy the requirements of our customers all over the world. So, we place the highest priority on health and safety, security and the environmental impact of our products.
FAKRO Productos
Nuestros Productos son Utilizados en Proyectos por
ROCKWOOL International A/S
KWK Promes Konieczny
Shed Architecture & Design
RS+ Robert Skitek
BXB studio
HoG architektur ZT GmbH
Coenen Sättele Architecten
Cassion Castle Architects
MGA - Michael Green Architecture
2m2 architects
B+P architetti
Alexey Ilyin
Collectif Studiolada
HelgessonGonzaga Arkitekter
LTD Architectural Design Studio
andrea pelati architecte
OOAK architects
BDR Architekci
Piotr Hardecki Architekt
FELT architecture & design
Architetto Beltrame Claudio