A serene brick-covered office building in Ho Chi Minh City features a temple-like void
Trieu Chien

A serene brick-covered office building in Ho Chi Minh City features a temple-like void

26 Jun 2023  •  ニュース  •  By Gerard McGuickin

Premier Office is a wonderfully serene brick-covered building situated on a quiet street in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Designed by Vietnamese architectural practice Tropical Space, the building’s creative facade works to maximize the use of natural light while minimizing the impact of direct sunlight.

photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien

The Premier Office building is a concrete construction covered with a patterned red brickwork. Its functional areas are divided by a temple-like central void/light well, clad in a mosaic of perforated bricks — the light well helps increase the amount of natural light and airflow throughout the building. Office spaces have been placed on one side of the void. They are connected via bridges to practical amenities on the opposite side, including the restrooms, storage, elevator, and stairs.

photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien
photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien

"Many [people] consider the office as a second home where they spend most of their time during the day,” says Tropical Space. “To inspire people working there, we endeavored to design an interesting space filled with natural light and ventilation, by having a double-layer with a unique ‘brick curtain’ outside and aluminum sliding glass doors inside."

photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien
photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien

The building’s perforated brick wall structure rotates in places at a 45-degree angle, creating a transitional space that reduces the sun’s heat and glare. Casting shadows all through the day, this clever design offers shade to those inside. Tropical Space incorporated greenery into the facade — the interweaving vegetation contributes to purifying the air and tempers the sun’s rays. “The Premier Office has two opening facades that allow it to make use of natural light and ventilation, [reducing] energy consumption for lighting and cooling the space,” says Tropical Space.

photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien
photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien

With its seven-story height, Tropical Space was conscious of the office building’s place in the quiet neighborhood: the design of Premier Office, with its perforated brick shell, rotated walls, and various openings, ensures the structure is not seen as invading the urban space. “Bringing an old material like brick into the project makes the newly-built building blend into the neighborhood itself,” says the studio.

photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien
photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien

The Premier Office building was recently highly commended in the “Institutions, Workplace, Commercial” category of the Monsoon Architecture Awards 2023. In response to the climate emergency, these awards recognize architectural projects that promote resilient and sensitive solutions to climate change in monsoon regions. In a citation, the jury noted: “In an era when architects are compelled to champion sustainability, the use of local mud bricks for a corporate office is commendable . . . the clear spatial configuration combined with a sensitive use of light, as in a temple, demonstrates the great opportunities of creating nuanced architecture using a few local materials.”

photo_credit Trieu Chien
Trieu Chien
photo_credit Tropical Space
Tropical Space
photo_credit Tropical Space
Tropical Space
photo_credit Tropical Space
Tropical Space