3GATTI is an interdisciplinary innovative design studio which integrates cutting edge architecture and the visual arts.
3GATTI is a Rome-Shanghai based group of architects, designers, artists, builders and thinkers who work collaboratively, operating within the fields of creativity and engineering.
Over the last thirteen years 3GATTI has established itself as a leading international practice, specializing in the design of complex projects for public, commercial and cultural buildings. The office has great experience in balancing the challenges of these projects to meet the ambitions of our clients.
Architecture, art, research and development are the playground for a continuous ethical commitment. 3GATTI emphasizes sustainable building and site development as the fundament of the innovative and imaginative design.
We offer a strong commitment to design excellence: realize high-quality architecture through the blending of powerful and innovative concepts into clear building form.
Our philosophy emerges out of a careful analysis of how contemporary life constantly evolves and changes. 3GATTI, as a small particle in the vast world, wants to prevail within the established system, so as to create unexpected ethical beauty “epidemics” that matches the aspirations of the “contemporary man”.
Francesco Gatti is the founder and chief architect at 3GATTI, he was born in Rome from a British mother; after the studies and training in Italy, Scotland and the Netherland he established his own practice in 2002 in Rome. In 2004 he opened a branch of his firm in Shanghai where he was challenged in several landmarks projects such as the new Nanjing automobile museum, the Shanghai “Red Wall” mixed use development and two new pavilions for the UBPA (Best Urban Practices) area of the Shanghai Expo site where he designed the new Madrid pavilion interactive façade. Other projects include the prestigious “Shelf Hotel” in Xian, a renowned “Red Star”shopping mall in Shenyang, the celebrated “Funnel Houses” development in Beijing and several landscape projects like the “Kic Park” and the “In Factory” urban developments. He also completed several distinguished interior design such as the “Red Object” office spaces, the “ZeBar”, “The Cut” disco, the “Alter” and “D2C” fashion stores.
Francesco Gatti has had teaching experience in several different universities such as “Roma Tre” and “La Sapienza” in Rome and “TongJi”, “Jiaotong” and “IED” in Shanghai.