ABACO is an idea-driven architecture and design firm operating at the intersection of space, technologies and art.
Founded in Paris in 2015 by Alice Braggion and Alessandro Carabini, ABACO has a transdisciplinary approach to design strongly focusing on innovation and research.
ABACO moves freely between the different project scales guided by an open and holistic core concept.
Born from the will to explore and connect an increasing flux of information, ideas, experiences and people, our experimental attitude led us to hack the creative process and inform it with the emerging innovations, constantly looking to build emotional layers of meaning. By creating an authentic connection between ideas, beauty and value, it allows us to break the borders of disciplines, to question complexity and potential multiplicity hidden behind contemporary fragments.
Exhibited in Milan (2013), Padua (2013) and Paris (2014), in 2015 ABACO has been awarded with the Prize Maggia. The same year ABACO won the international contest on 3d printing food for Barilla with Lune.
In 2016 ABACO had the great honor to be awarded by the Mayor of Padua as young talent of the city. In 2017 ABACO has been selected as one of ten Italian emerging firms. In 2018 exhibited in the XVI Venice Architecture Biennale.
ABACO won several international competitions, and is currently working between France and Italy.
Our projects span from art installations to furnitures and stores design for emerging brands, from residential houses for private clients to hotels for real estates developers.
ABACO is the curator of the book Be City Smart (2014), co-founder of the REaction workshops focused on data-driven design, and is currently teaching design and digital fabrication at the PCA Paris College of Art.