Architecture is a discipline involving the knowledge, imagination, fantasy, belief the people who create it. Not all projects have created an opportunity for the implementation, not all of it intended for the performance are made, but those who manage to bring about the full materialization of the emanation of the personality are also people who need to be able to maintain and carry out the reef problems, unforeseen circumstances, the arrangements and most importantly characteristics showing essentially designed the building and its architecture.
This group of people does not arise immediately. In our laboratory it is built over the past 20 years by teachers and their students and then their common friends, from Warsaw, but also sometimes from other cities and schools. 7 is among us people who are actively studying architectural design at the Faculty of Architecture of Warsaw Polytechnic.
The whole team Kurylowicz & Associates share a common approach to formulate the essence of each problem, solve it as a challenge and an opportunity to discover the truth about the next piece of space and visibility of these attributes of this truth, which will help to understand life and live here, but not until just now think about the future. Always with the aim of improving the area - as far as architecture is hardly competent.
We have a huge privilege to work with clients who appreciate the very power of architecture and with us looking for employment. Such an approach can eliminate the division of architecture in the commercial and social, rich and poor. Her expression does not necessarily depend on the investor's budget or from the use of the building - we are able to achieve a serene spaces such as hospitals, where the project was created based on an extremely modest resources and enjoy the financial possibilities of allowing for such costly to catch up to global technical standards level in cases where the investor would have a budget of more abundant.
We believe that the key in action in space is a responsibility. On many different levels: artistic, consisting in the interpretation of the environment, the possibility of forms of expression that should be appropriate and unique, scientific, consisting of multi-faceted approach to the task, engineering, involving the selection of professionals cooperating in various industries, think creatively to support the project; economy consisting of a rational disposition entrusted to budget and on time, based on maintaining the rhythm of work agreed with the customer. Also participate actively in the construction process by offering their supervision, inspection and additional knowledge.
The architecture we developed is part of the Polish countryside after the changes of the late nineties. Our ambition is that she testified about the positive metamorphoses in our history, the people who run the risks of various challenging activities, which accompany our output, the Polish identity and traditions in a contemporary language solutions.
Currently, the studio employs more than seventy permanent employees, including high-class architects, construction engineers and inspectors. We work with leading industry specialists mechanical, electrical, sanitary and construction - Polish and zagranicy.APA KA participates in the process important implementation of the project: the client takes care of all the administrative and technical, especially the legal arrangements to begin implementation. Also participates in the selection of contractors and negotiates with them beneficial for the customer terms and conditions.
The company fully comprehensive technical supervision of construction, carefully monitoring the performance and the investment budget and assume responsibility for obtaining permission to use the building. With this program involves the organizational structure of companies - stable staff of architects, designers and inspectors. The core of the studio are working together for several years and experienced professionals working. By deliberately carried out in a cycle of training and education, working in the company of ten project - managers, whose knowledge and talents allow for the project from creative concept stage to the implementation of the object. A major advantage of the studio are young workers recruited from graduates of the Faculty of Architecture in Warsaw. Also, designers are carefully selected other industries. The company has been cooperating with proven permanent design offices and installation. Depending on the size of the project, in his study involving at least a dozen people of all specialties. In total, the projects the company is firmly committed more than 100 people.
Since the beginning of 1999, the company has a large, modern office in Warsaw Saska Kepa. The new lab is equipped with all the support systems design, is fully computerized and uses safe techniques for storing and archiving data, electronic mail and the Internet. In this way it is prepared to handle any project large orders. The company is open for new technical and technological solutions, in a conscious way they are used all the news.
Since early 2006, operates a branch studio in Wroclaw. In a short time, she managed to win several prestigious orders. Wroclaw branch out under the direction of Arkadiusz Chamielca employs 15 people.
Nearby KA APA plans to further improve the organizational structure of the studio and adapting it to the increasing demands of the market and customers.