archimedialab is a full service architecture + design laboratory aiming to combine unconventional spatial explorations with ecological and innovative technologies to create unique architectural solutions in all phases of the design and construction process.
We actively seek to cross boundaries, question conventions, and challenge traditions, yet we believe this requires an even deeper understanding of those categories.
Commitment to the environment, the city and the landscape, to culture and history does not mean we have to accept established patterns.
We could not care less about style and pre-described beauty.
We don‘t want to compromise but enhance in all directions, deconstructing the dichotomies of distant categories.
We want to establish multi-dimensional relationships and do not distinguish between the disciplines of design: architecture, landscape and interior design, furniture, art and engineering are all influencing the character and conditions of our environment and the space that surrounds us and contribute to define the way our clients want to live and work.