Art and Build Architect
Art and Build Architect
art & build was founded in 1989 in the knowledge that the act of building requires equal attention to creativity (art) and technical skills (building) when making architecture that is livable, environmentally friendly, and conducive to both individual and collective fulfillment. Culminating invaluable experience over time, art & build has evolved to become a collective practice of architects working in all areas of construction, united by the same humanistic philosophy, and sharing their appreciation for tolerance and ethics. As a collection of captured instant* both subjective and multiple, this book attempts to convey the practice’s unique culture and complex process of architectural creation.
The built environment is matter, while the area between and around is empty space. Life, with its activities, behaviour patterns, emotions and relationships, develops within this space. As both a framework and protective shell, the built environment organises such space. A building’s design – its proportions, materials, lighting and colours – determines the quality of the empty space, be it internal or external, and reflects an identity, stirs the emotions, spurs individual and collective development. To regard the architecture of empty space as being more important than the architecture of the built environment entails a humble, more people-oriented approach to architectural practice. Taking stock of our output in a publication is precisely tantamount to querying our approach to architectural practice and, more broadly speaking, our corporate culture. This is based on three key concepts: the group, expertise and responsibility. art & build has opted for the group approach, as a reflection of diversity and a bond of fellowship. In architecture there is no one truth, but instead several. Or to be more precise, there are approaches that are “closest” to these truths.
The group is nothing without the individuals that combine to form it, yet it is the group that forges a business’ identity. Each individual sustains the group, while the group sustains each of the individuals within it. Expertise contributes to the same vision. It accumulates, concentrates over the years, and is shared. Knowledge is a universally accessible resource. The more it is shared, the more those sharing it gain. Group expertise is more powerful than the sum of individual expertise because it is more comprehensive and more aligned with what the profession requires of an architect: a thoughtful approach combined with technical ability, creativity and responsibility. It is this expertise that helps to guarantee the consistency of our extremely varied achievements. With a sound, resilient organisation, expertise is the foundation of all our projects. The same is true externally: the group and our expertise is supported by our network of contacts, who in turn contribute to our identity and mastery. And finally there is our responsibility to convert the ambitions and demands of the cultural identity of those who entrust us with their objectives and future. To express the values of the social sciences by combining aspects of the exact sciences.