Arturo Montanelli
Arturo Montanelli
The Ardea S.r.l. society, thanks to its technical structure and to an integrated network which is based on consolidated relationships with many research companies which operate in many multidiscipline sectors , is able to realize studies, research and plans as well as integrated services of civil architecture and engineering (intersectors coordination, technical consultation, organisation, training, works direction, tests ) with specific regard to the architectural themes , landscaping / environmental and recovery and refurbishment of dismantled areas .
Starting from its wide and consolidated ability in the civil architectural field, landscaping architectural and studies for perceptive insertion of big interventions over the territory also involved in development of methodological and operational tools for integrated design and project coordination for the preparation of studies and Environmental Impact Analysis of compatibility, for the study of pollution to the inclusion of works in the territory and analysis of issues related to mobility.
At the same time Ardea S.r.l. dedicates itself to the development and experimentation with new criterions and systems of themes improving as a consequence of its direct and concrete checks in the field through continuous technological bringing updating of its executive means and of its planning
staff in reference to the firm quality system which comes from the active share of the company Società Consortile Red of whom Ardea is one of the founder members .
In particular, the services offered by ARDEA S.r.l. are:
architectural design, implementation, management of works of civil architecture (houses, baths, spas, restaurants, offices and commercial spaces);
¬¬− structural design and engineering;
− building planning and coordination of multisectors planning
− landscape architectural and perceptive insertion of works into the territory, architectural of green spaces and of open areas
− executive plans of environmental refurbishment or of garden/green systems
− studies of environmental impact
− studies and projects of reduction of environmental impact
− formulation and drawing up of restoration plans through environmental tests and diagnosis
− analysis of practicability and consequent technical and economical study
− studies of pollution through direct surveys and modelling of analytical simulation
− studies and projects for acoustic pollution
− studies of terrestrial and sea ecosystems and the relatives environmental resources
− studies for building sites
− urban and traffic plans
− planning and filing of specifications for the control and starting of environmental permanent and/or temporary observers
− technical and scientific assistance for the valuation of environmental impact procedures
− examination of the environment
− company check up