Today, as he looks back to twenty-four years of designing space he says, the one thing experience has taught him is, one must deliver a complete package to the customer. According to him, the complete package involves designing a project, executing it keeping in mind the client’s lifestyle and maintaining the taste. Mr. Thethi’s strategy lies in his C-U-A model, the Cost, Utility and Aesthetic’ that he has made for the smooth functioning of his firm’ standards.
After graduating from Rachna Sansad School of Interior Designing, Mumbai in the year 1988, he started his expedition by working under Designer, Mr. J M Nagrecha, as his initial work profile until he joint Architect Abhoy Shah in 1989 where he learnt digital designing and understood the importance of detailing in design.
After this period of gaining experience, he decided to start his own firm. 1st April 1993, saw the foundation of Mr. Balraj J Thethi in the realm of interior designing. He has catered projects in the residential, commercial and hospitality sector.
His favorite zone of emphasis is the ceiling. The ceilings are known to be high on drama, because they capture one’s attention as soon as one walks into the designed space. His vision is to make the conventional space which holds the fan a piece of art. He is also known for converting all negative spaces into places of utility.
He has complete knowledge of striking a balance between design and functionality. Interior designing for him is not just managing space in a creative manner but the amalgamation of idea’, vision and the relationship with his clients. Design is not just how it looks and feels, rather its more about how it works. Sustainable cost effective solutions are his forte, because quality of material and the design are what his prime focuses are out of many others.
His firm operates under his able direction; he personally ensures the maintenance of high standard of design from the aesthetics’ to the utility point of view.