Bmd is a specialised architectural visualisation office, founded in 2002 by Peter Hoste and Kyra Frankort. They stand for quality, both in the endproduct and in the process towards it, where they have an extensive experience collaborating with designers and architects. The work distinguishes itself by means of the creativity with which technical knowledge is being used. In 2010 bmd received the Master Award for visualisation, announced by Ballistic Publishing. The graphic and architectural background of both founders results in a refreshing view on visualisation. They experience the crossover between the various disciplines as an enrichment of their work, taking their inspiration from art, music, film and photography, rather than from the ‘3D renderworld’. Images with the atmosphere of a film noir, the colors and staging of an Edward Hopper painting or the out of focus quality of an Olivo Barbieri photograph, are some examples. Every architectural design has its own context, its own philosophy, and therefore the need for its own visual language. Bmd doesn’t represent a certain style but likes to approach each project with fresh eyes, looking for the specific character and qualities of the design itself. Since the architect represents those design qualities, he takes a vital role in the visualisation process. It’s in the interaction that the image is born. “A visualisation can explain, seduce and challenge, but above all, it should appeal to the imagination.”
bmd Offices
bmd Gent
Gent, Belgium