Bodàr bottega d’architettura is an architectural office and a cultural program, within the architectural discipline.The office use the project as a research devise on the idea of form and on the complexity of space and language that derive from it. The design activity of the office is carried out in the operative nature of the bottega (workshop), where creative production is the main explanatory act of thought.
Bodàr was founded in 2003 and had several configurations, made of architects deriving from the same training. Since 2015 the members of the team are Francesco Messina, Giuseppe Messina and Marco Messina.
Bodàr performs design activities at every scale of architecture, exploiting each opportunity for theoretical-critical reflection. The primary goal of the work of the studio is to improve the inhabiting conditions, through architecture tools, trying to answer to human needs. Over the years, the office gained experience about topics connected to urban and territorial projects, to public space, to interior design and in design competitions at national and international level, receiving several awards. Among the aims of the studio emerges, with growing importance, the creation of a network around which gather cultural entities pushed from the common aim of improving the quality of architecture. Next to the design activity, the members of the office feed specific architectural interests within academic structures and cultural associations, in collaboration with which they carry out promotion activities in publishing and in the organization of events related to the world of architecture. The members of the office often participated in the planning and organization of cultural initiatives for the promotion of architectural quality, in collaboration with University schools of Architecture, Professional Associations and Public Institutions.
Were associated in Bodàr: Trieste Russitto (2003 -10), R. Andrea Cristelli (2007-15), Daria Caruso and Francesco Fragale (2010 -15).
Were collaborators of Bodàr: Marianna Battaglia, Anna De Marco, Giuseppe Florio, Giorgia Di Giorgi, Valentina Grasso, Andrea Grillo, Sara Lo Presti, Rosaria Lanfranchi, Francesca Mazzone, Giuseppe Monterisi, Riccardo Montuori, Luisa Pitrone, Giuseppe Pizzimenti, Renato Romeo, Giuliana Scollo, Clara Sorrentino, Ivano Tolomeo.