Burkard Meyer Architekten BSA
Burkard Meyer Architekten BSA
The architectural firm Burkard Meyer - with Oliver Dufner, Daniel War, Adrian Meyer and Andreas Signer as a partner - has existed in its present form since 2005. The foundation by Urs Burkard and Adrian Meyer goes back to the year 1968th Besides the classic type of architecture firms whose contracts are primarily based on competitive success, two of the partners are also involved in teaching. We deal in Baden about thirty architects and work in competitions and contracts throughout Switzerland and in neighboring countries. As an office we operate geographically and culturally between metropolitan centers. The friction occurring between the city and agglomeration proves useful basis for a creative discourse. Of course, this starting position also a steady and patient process in order to escape the subtle embrace provincial thinking required. The research of the quality of density, the different levels of public and private accompanies all our work. The responsiveness to anti urbane reflexes combines so with the aim to define the concept of unstable city, depending on the task always different.