What makes Italian designers distinctive? From Marco Zanuso to Dante Giacosa, Joe Colombo to Pio Manzù, they have one characteristic in common: seamless technical knowledge, functional know-how and productive experimentation. Their creativity is an approach to exploring solutions which are never ends in themselves. Rather, they become syntheses that go well beyond their initial parameters.
Samuel Codegoni understands project development as a method which springs from complexity but resolves it into simplicity. From analysis to concept, planning to implementation, he manages long-term projects with multiple components and monitors every stage of their progress. An essential part of the process is engagement with the client company, a constant dialogue with their R&D and marketing departments with a view to devising agreed and efficient solutions.
His CV to date records co-operation with leading companies in the automotive industry - Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Lancia and Lamborghini - combined with structural and product design for Formula 1 and MotoGP racing teams. Working for BCS Group, Italy’s leading manufacturer of industrial machinery for the agricultural sector and for the maintenance of green spaces has lent a new dimension to his career.
Since 2004 he has also worked with the Politecnico di Milano, where he is a tutor in the design laboratory and workshop co-ordinator on the TAD master’s course. He also runs career induction workshops in industrial design at the Politecnico.
From 2008 he has extended his design range to embrace several other sectors, including lighting, with the Joyo multifunctional light for Sforzin Illuminazione; and kitchens, with a series of extractor hoods for the companies Faber and Franke.