Carlos Mate Studio
Carlos Mate Studio
Carlos Mate Studio

Carlos Mate Studio

Carlos Mate Studio is a collective formed by the designer Elena Urucatu and the artist Carlos Maté. They create design objects with a touch of fiction, that may include imagination and fantasy into the quotidian, that allows the user experiment a closer approach to his objects, in other words a more artistic perception of everyday's life. Their projects are articulated thought narratives as a starting point to investigate the intimate, the sensitive and perception. It is about defending craftsmanship, that they consider interesting for its capacity to produce narrative and imperfect objects, with a soul and the ability of transmitting sensation.
Carlos Mate Studio Product
TABLE Carlos Mate Studio
During the last edition of Fuori Salone 2014, Carlos Mate Studio presented the project She was here, a collection of five objects Made in Spain, that...
Carlos Mate Studio Offices
Carlos Mate Studio N/A
Calle Atocha, 35, N/A, Spain
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