CerdaPe Arquitectos
CerdaPe Arquitectos

CerdaPe Arquitectos

CERDA PE Architects was founded in 2014 by Sebastián Cerda Pé, after the dissolution of AATA Arquitectos, an office in which he was co-founder and the architect incharge of the design and development of the projects. Internationally awarded mainly for its sustainable focus on the projects it develops, in Cerda Pé Arquitectos, sustainability is not as a fashion, but as an approach to make the work more efficient, throughout the process including, design, development, construction and habilitation . Our experience in architectural projects is varied and covers different scales, from mixed-use buildings, mining camps to furniture designs, through residential buildings, offices, retail, restaurants, schools, etc. This approach and the quality of the projects have positioned us and have attracted the attention of various international magazines and books that have been published to us, such as Domus (Italy), Escala (Colombia) Wallpaper * (United Kingdom), A Vivre (France) , Azure (USA), Clarín (Argentina), Arquitectura Viva (Spain), Trace (Chile) and others.
Our Projects
CerdaPe Arquitectos Offices
Cerda Pe Arquitectos
Santiago, Chile