Creaplant is a leading provider of indoor greening in Switzerland. As a partner of architects, builders and companies conceived, plans, implements and maintains Creaplant customized and integrated projects with green interior. Unique - The matching green for each facility The indoor greening of Creaplant impress with sleek aesthetics, durability and optimized maintenance costs. Tailored to the architectural requirements for each customer a separate Green concept worked. The Internal greening should deliberately set accents or convey a corporate message. Used properly, we improve with a planting even the indoor climate. Owner-managed since 1998 Creaplant was founded in 1998 by Michel Aebi in Solothurn. The best reference are our customers - from shopping centers to hotels and hospitals to office buildings of large international corporations. The company offices are located in Zurich and in Gerlafingen / SO. At the local headquarters of the new one was in April 2009 showroom opens.
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