Architecture is a profession that requires both artistic and practical skills. We enjoy this connection as we see no division between the poetic potential of ideas, and a pragmatic approach to problem solving.
Collectively, we have experience in design and construction of individual houses, residential developments, schools, museums, hotels, transport interchanges and more unusual projects. We are currently working on diverse projects across a range of scales and typologies. One particular specialism is our ability to unlock difficult sites through negotiating planning, landscape, heritage and conservation issues.
Our work is based on:
- close engagement between client and architect throughout the design process;
- investigations into the history and materiality of the built environment;
- a love of craftsmanship.
Our studio is a collaborative space where new things are made and problems are solved. We use the word studio as it gives a spatial description of the way we work. It has connotations with sculptors’ work-rooms, libraries, workshops and printworks; we feel architecture borrows from each.