Juan Madrinan / DLV architectes & associés
DLV architectes & associés
DLV architectes & associés
The office is based in Geneva, where he completed various construction programs, but the quality always recognized. Well integrated in the market for public office, he enjoys an excellent reputation for its organizational structure flexible, efficient and attentive to the Owner.
Supervision of all staff ensures the overall quality of services as an architect.
Research and development
The practice of teaching different partners has enabled us to gain solid experience in analysis and criticism of the design, construction as well as the economics of building. In this dynamic, we regularly participate in competitions and this approach fits with a view to training for all officers.
Each time a new project is an excuse to optimize a reflection on a specific theme.
The office has extensive experience in construction management and special care is given to details in the constant objective of consistency between architectural quality and economic construction.
The ongoing control of costs allows fair use of budgets to better use of building owners at all stages of decision-making and progress of the operation.
Sustainable Development
The office has been concerned for many years the problems related to energy consumption. Always on the lookout for new technologies and partnering with engineers, we aim to continually provide innovative solutions to our customers.