Il 1973 Edilco was founded by Gianni Cavaler, with the revolutionary purpose of changing the way that staircase are built. Till the end of the 70’s the staircase was intended a simple utility just to climb the upper floor. Edilco gives the staircase the dignity of a real design object, transforming it into a true element of furniture.
In the beginning, Edilco main activity was manufacturing of precast reinforced concrete steps to build its world famous spiral staircases. From the start, the production had a local diffusion but soon it spread widely through the nation and abroad. It was a great success, and it got bigger after Edilco attended the major international exhibitions.
In the 80’s a new phase begun. Experimenting on different materials and techniques, Edilco start producing the first modular fitted metal staircase with glass steps. In the early production these staircases had the same range of their concrete counterparts. Soon it was clear that every staircase had to be designed from scratch. This opened a new world in custom made staircases. A whole new staircase concept was born.
Continuous technical development and acquisition of new manufacturing techniques gave Edilco the possibility to face new challenges in big scaled projects. Today Edilco boasts a solid partnership with the most prestigious companies around the world: Mediaset (major broadcasting company in Italy), TNT Traco (courier), SBM Monaco, Metropolitan Museum New York, SEA Aeroporti di Milano, UNA Hotels, Jolly Hotels, Boscolo Hotels.